Total Recall 2012 filmer svenska på nätet
Marriages can be quite complicated - and who said women cannot drive.
Reimaging suffers a Schizoid Embolism.
This reboot of the Paul Verhoeven/Arnold Schwarzenegger 1990 monster hit finds Colin Farrell as factory worker Douglas Quaid who, in search of meaning in his life and maybe an answer to his weird dreams, visits Rekall, a company who implant fantastical memories to order. When something strange shows up during the initial procedure, Quaid finds that nothing in his life is at all what he thought.
There's a lot of very good craft here, there really is, that is on proviso you are happy to indulge in stylised effects over character substance. It's also a cold hard fact that fans of the original Philip K. Dick story, and fans of the Verhoeven bonkers adaptation, are very unlikely to embrace such a candy shop approach to what was once an inventive premise.
Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale file in for the two lead female roles, which on facial likeness is a smart bit of casting, while on a butt point of view they have two of the best in the business. Farrell is competently gruff rough and tough, but again can you avert the thought process away from Schwarzenegger cutting a swathe through a futuristic world? A big problem is that as much as Beckinsale is lovely and feisty, the decision by her husband, director Len Wiseman, to make her part a complete film filler, grates on the nerves with its obvious stench of nepotiz.
Still, if you are looking for a sci-fi picture awash with outrageous excitement, bangs and crashes galore and a sexy cast? Then this will certainly give you cause to chomp down with glee on your popcorn. There's homage nods to the Arnie movie, which are gratefully received, the pace never sags and the art design for this futuristic world is grade "A" in quality. As remakes go it's OK and far from being a stinker, you can have fun here, but it can't deliver enough quality to those fans mentioned earlier, and they are right to have such high standards. 6/10
I quite liked the 1990 version of Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thus I was somewhat concerned whether or not I would like this one since it would be impossible for me to watch it without comparing it to “the original”.
Well, luckily, I did like it. I think the 1990 version is still my favourite but I did indeed like this one as well. It is said that this movie follows the original story better than the 1990 version. I wouldn’t know since I have not read it. Both are good stories with the same central idea although I have to say that the 1990 version of the story felt a wee bit more “grand” than this one.
This movie is, of course, more modern in that the special effects are more up to 2012 standards. Having said that I think the funny idea of going through earth’s core in a tunnel through the planet is way more far-fetched than actually going to Mars and, although the gravity reversal was a good idea in itself, the instant on/off effect was just ridiculous. Obviously no scientific experts where hired for this movie.
The 1990 version had a lot of action in it and this one doesn’t disappoint in that area. Actually, the entire film is pretty much one long action chase and a pretty well done at that. One gripe I have though is that I felt that Quaid was a bit on the wimpy side. But then, that probably comes from comparing with the Schwarzenegger “original”.
So the bottom line is that I quite liked it, It’s a good solid action movie, but it didn’t de-throne the 1990 version.
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